6 Cheap Ways to Make Your House look Expensive
  • May 17, 2018

6 Cheap Ways to Make Your House look Expensive

As you flick through home magazines and look at incredible photographs of designer homes, your thinking is probably along the lines of:

I wish my home looked like that.

It must be very expensive.

I don’t have the money so my home can never achieve that look.

But what if you don’t need a lot of money to make your home a designer finish ? Here are a few cheap ways to make your house look expensive.

Dress your Windows

Bare windows just look sad. You don’t need designer curtains that cost a lot of money. Just stick to elegant materials like silk, linen and cotton, as manmade fabrics like polyester generally look cheap. To truly cut down on the costs, buy plain material and then add on simple extra touches yourself, such as sewing or painting horizontal coloured stripes at the bottom. If you can, opt for full-length curtains as they give the illusion of a more spacious room.

Reduce Clutter

There’s a tendency for a lot of people, including the Maltese, to go for clutter; the more figurines and paintings hanging on the wall and antique furniture crammed in every corner the better. In reality, clutter makes a room look smaller and messier; go for a minimalist look that transforms a room into one that is sophisticated and chic.

Grab Bargains

Have you always wanted a solid wood writing desk but was always wary of the hefty price tag attached to it? You can avoid the expense by dedicating your Sunday mornings to looking for bargains at local flea markets and car boot sales. The most popular Maltese one is that in the Fortini Ground in Vittoriosa, occurring every Sunday from 5 am to 1 pm. These markets are a treasure trove of high quality furniture and ornaments with a cheaper price tag.

Crown Moulding

Crown moulding is relatively cheap, and yet it instantly gives a room a complete or finished look as it brings the ceiling and walls together. There are various styles you can go for; as a general rule, the wider the trim, the greater the impact on the room.

Experiment with Mirrors

Mirrors can be purchased at quite an affordable price and they are great additions for making a room look more glamorous – every room should feature at least one. It helps break up the monotony of one blank wall at a cheaper price than adding a wall painting.

Choose your Paint

A coat of paint can make or break a room; creating balance is key. Opt for a lighter shade such as linen white but then balance it out by adding rich colours in fabrics and accessories. Alternatively go for bold paint such as dark blue but then include a lot of white or light ornaments.